LGBTQ+ Support

If you think you may be or know you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning your sexuality or gender identity and you are struggling and want some support or you just want to meet others like you, why not contact us.

Other Support recommended by 2BU young people:

  • Get in touch to talk to a 2BU youth worker!
  • Talk to friends,
  • Talk to family members or professionals,
  • Talk to the dog/cat/other pets (they don't judge you)
  • Check out other Pride clubs for example in your school/college,
  • Talk to your GP, a counsellor or the school nurse
  • The internet, there are some fab communities (but you also need to be aware and careful).

Check out some of the useful links on our website and here are a few nationwide LGBTQ+ support phonelines: 

Check out LGBTQI Mental Health Resource

For Trans people living in Somerset, Mind have a helpline Tel 0300 330 5468 and a website mindline-trans

TRUK Listens helpline is open 7 days a week 8am - 2am

A long standing national support line - Swichboard LGBTQ+ Helpline

Switchboard provides a safe space for anyone to discuss anything including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional wellbeing. It is open 10am -10pm seven days a week all year round Tel 0300 330 0630. or you can e-mail them

Coming to terms with your sexuality or gender identity is one thing, telling other people and beginning to understand your feelings about it, can take time. It should always be your choice to 'come out' when you feel ready to.

Remember our message "It's OK 2BU"!!

Would you like to join the youth support group?

There is a range of groups and support options to consider, we look forward to hearing from you!

Read More Read more about support groups

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